Ibidem = same place, same event, same moment and same author.
Ibidem is a project started in 2002, it is a subjective view on globalization.
Ibidem is a virtual city made of ten real ones (Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Milan, Berlin, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo).
Ibidem is a personal diary of the transition these global cities are undergoing.
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Ibidem Book
Photography : Giovanni Del Brenna Edit : Giovanni Del Brenna, Fred Ritchin, and Teun van der Heijden Design : Heijden Karwei Texts : Marc Augé and Carole Naggar (Texts in the book in English, French original texts and translations in Italian in an external booklet) Size : 170 x 230 mm 58 colour photographs, 132 pages with 14 half pages Screen printed whole linen hard cover.
Ibidem Book + Plane print
Ibidem book with limited edition print (edition of 50) of the white airplane. The print is sized to fit inside the book (book size 170 x 230 mm)
Ibidem Book + Steps print
Ibidem book with limited edition print (edition of 50) of the MET's steps. The print is sized to fit inside the book (book size 170 x 230 mm)
Ibidem Special Edition
Ibidem Special Edition
Giovanni Del Brenna copyright 2014 - 2025 Ver: 1.0 Peja Design VAT: RF50947395500011 - Made with oZone